This will be a 1 day
class 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM
Special $100 cash at the door or
$110 credit card
and you will be certified in Usui Reiki 1 with Certificates at the end of the classes. We will go through the history and have hands on in class to practice a full Usui Reiki Session and get attuned to the universal Life force Energy, so you will be ready to start giving healing to friends, family and people in need, as the more you use your training in healing sessions the stronger your energy flow will become.
Bring lunch and drink, we will have bottled water on hand. The number one item here is a big smile with a positive attitude. Free books with your payment in full!
Payment Arrangements Available
Great time to start your own business or just enhance your healing ability! Complete your Masters class and enhance your healing ability.
Must have proof of Reiki 1 & 11 for this class.
You will be Attuned to the Master Symbol and you will receive your Certificate at the end of the class as long as you have completed all the work and studies.
Well now it is time to get your Teacher Classification so you can start to teach Usui Reiki in your studio. This is a 1 day class to complete your Teachers Classification to teach.
Great time to start your own business or just enhance your healing ability! Complete your Teacher training class in Usui Reiki and feel your energy increase and your confidence get a boost! Let it say NOW YOU ARE READY!
Please have proof of your
Usui Reiki 1 & 2 and Master/Practitioner ready for this class. You will be Attuned to the Master/Teacher Symbol and you will receive your Certificate at the end of the class as long as you have completed all the work and studies.
We are now starting a new class for you to learn how to play the Crystal Singing Bowls and learn how to just be one with them. You will learn how to reset your own Chakras (Energy Centers) and get rid of blockages.
Crystal singing bowls, Gongs, Shells & Rattles all work for your better good.
Starting in February
Price: $30.00
Text or Call 603-313-1464