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Chromalive Light Therapy

What is Chromalive Light Therapy ? 

Chromalive Light Therapy session is working with the Face and hands using special crystalized Oils, Crystals ,  Crystal Light and color . It is an Anti Aging session m helps scaring, wrinkles, blemishes and dry skin  along with tuning up your Chakras

{ energy centers } on your face or hands. It is Relaxing and leaves you feeling energized, rested and just so Alive. each person has their own individual experience. But most come back for more. 

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Chromalive Light Therapy

The Revolutionary New Light Therapy System From Europe

Chromalive's Non-Invasive Light Therapy Treatments Have Been Shown To:


  • Support body, mind & spirit balance
  • Balance organ vitality and increase overall energy
  • Improve skin circulation
  • Increase elasticity of face, promote youthful appearance
  • Smooth skin texture (lift aged and tired skin and reduce wrinkles)
  • Reduce blemishes and spots
  • Increase radiance through internal wellness
  • Now with the chromalive  program you can see where we need to focus on. You will receive a print out of the area most needing the work. 
  • The Chromalive facial system is anti aging 



The Therapeutic Use of Color and Why We Use It!

Sunlight is the basic source of life!
  • Yet in neglected light and color there is a potency far beyond that of drugs and serums.
  • Hydrogen is Red
  • Oxygen is Blue and each element in turn gives off its own special color.
In order that the whole body may function perfectly, each organ must be a hundred percent perfect. When the spleen, the liver, or any other organ falls below normal, it simply means that the body laboratories have not provided the required materials which to work, eighter because they are not functioning as a result of some disorder of the internal mechanisum, or because they have not been provided with the necessary materials. Before the body can appropriate the required elements, they must be separated from waste matter. Each element gives off a chararacteristic color wave . 

Sunlight as it is received by the body, is split into the prismatic colors and their combinations as white lightless stimulating while the blue is sedative. There are many shades of color, and each is produced by a little different wave length. Just as sound waves are tuned, to each other and produce harmony or discords, so color waves may be tuned, and only so can they be depended on always to produce the same results.

If the body requires a dose of medication , he does not go to the drug store to try a little of which is on the shelves. I see no virtue, then, in the use of whole white light, as a therapeutic measure when the different colors can give what is required without taxing the body to rid itself of that for which it has no use , and which may do more or less harm. If the body is sick it should be restored with the least possible effect. There is no more accurate or easier way then by giving the color representing the lacking elements, and the body will, through its radioactive forces  {The Aura}, appropriate them and so restore the normal balance. Color is the simplest and most accurate therapeutic measure yet developed.
Reference: Let Their Be light by Darius Dinshah, S-C-N. Twelfth Edition
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