Crystal Healing

A variety of Crystal Healing options are available. We look forward to seeing you soon!


Crystal Light Healing

What is Crystal Light Healing ?

Crystal Light Healing also called Crystal Light Therapy, which intensely stimulates the body’s potential for self-healing, uses seven exquisitely pure  clear-cut quartz crystals to generate color and light  to cleanse, clear and raise the vibration of your chakras (also known as energy centers). This helps the body go  deeper, into the energies within the individual to be aligned and brought into balance; igniting and accelerating of  one’s healing process and feeling of overall well-being. The crystal light flowing into the chakras of the body,  helps one manifest higher level of awareness, harmony and peace. Each session is  different  for each individual.


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What is Crystal Bed Therapy? And what should I expect ?

Crystal Bed Therapy (CBT) is more than your average energy healing session. It is a multisensory, meditative, cleansing experience that takes you into greater realms of depth and the subconscious mind. A CBT session lasts an hour to and hour and a half and incorporates several types of vibrational therapies such as crystal bowl sound healing, quartz crystals and crystal light healing. Next you will be receiving a Chakra reading with a print out, we will talk and go over where and what your chakra numbers mean, I spend the first portion of our session listening to my client. 

Expect to talk about anything that is currently coming up for healing in your life right now: emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually.

Next we will go to the sessions room where the warm bed with inferred heat is and get you comfortable. { FULLY DRESSED ACCEPT FOR YOUR SHOES } 

When you book a session at Faith’s Wisdom Reiki Studio, you walk into a space that is not only beautiful and makes you feel good from the inside out but their is many modalities and crystals with Crystal singing bowls, meditative sound, Gongs and more. 

What happens during a Crystal Bed Therapy session?

I then gently walk you through a guided meditation for relaxing and opening up your 7 chakras. To take it to the next level, I add crystals and other Shamanic items on the body to assist in the healing process, and some shamanic clearing techniques, and you are will be guided into a relaxing cosmic deep.

After I identify some energetic root blockages that may be affecting your real-world experience, Reiki is then given only on the front side unless i am guided to turn you over, but you will be all set with the Intent of the Reiki { Universal Life Force Energy } to go to where it is needed for the for your highest good. Next i will cover your eyes and set the 7 crystal lights over the top of your body { Not touching The Body } I will set the lights on the setting that is needed, this will send the colored light { Color Therapy } to your Chakras with the therapeutic-grade crystal filters spectrums of light into the all of your chakras.

As you are lying on a table with heat therapy and crystal lights already working, on the (energy centers in the body) I then begin to play seven crystal sound healing bowls that align with each chakra , I may also be adding other crystal and stones or what ever is called for as I play the bowls. The sound bowls are attuned to 432 hertz, which is a healing frequency known to calm the nervous system.

How can Crystal bed and Heath Therapy do for me??? and do I need it?

Crystal Bed Therapy is recommended for all types, and all ages, even children and in some cases even pets! I absolutely adore working on children. Though I do work on people going through physical or emotional hardship and deep transitions, you don't have to be someone going through a hard time to benefit from Crystal Bed Therapy. Many turn to my work for a cosmic tune up? Setting their Chakras and to put them in a more relaxed state and health, and to set the tone for a high-vibe state of flow and expansion.

Since it isn't really like anything else out there, it can be hard to conceptualize for first-timers. People often ask, "Is it like reiki?" Well, I absolutely incorporate reiki while I am working, but that is only one small sliver of the pie. I am a shaman and an intuitive with a deep understanding of metaphysical dynamics, spiritual law, and alchemical processes with an acute ability to move and curate energy. I've got a lot of tricks up my sleeve, and I'm not afraid to use them! 

From rattles, drums, bells and more . Truth is, you cannot put all the benefits in words and with our 100% satisfaction on your first visit you have nothing to loose accept your stress and time, but I will let you discover it on your own.

How often should you do Crystal Bed Therapy?

I would recommend regular energy clearings on t he crystal light bed every four to six weeks; however, someone more sensitive might need to co m e in more often. I am a "super sensitive" and easily thrown off by misalignment. So I get on my bed at least once a month to work on myself and have daily rituals at home to maintain those states. 

Cleaning your energy is like taking a shower or taking your car in for a tune-up. Regular maintenance is required to hold higher vibrational states. I absolutely recommend it for everyone to keep their bodies clear of energy blocks and attachments.

Why should I believe that Crystal Bed Therapy actually works?

The reason it actually works is because everything in this universe is made up of energy. In fact, energy precedes all physical manifestations. We learn this in sixth-grade science class but are only at the beginning of understanding what that means for the human energy field. We absorb energy from others and the world outside of us. When we are weighed down energetically, our flow is blocked. And when energy isn't flowing, expanding, and moving in our electromagnetic field, our experience of physical reality is compromised. Life becomes stagnant when our energy is stagnant. 

Yes, we know that there is a strong connection between mind and body, but do not forget the spirit. Spirit is the essence of all that is, and you are in charge of thanking care of your own spirit. I choose to elevate the spiritual aspects of my universe, and my life is more awesome because of it! So far, this is the m ost powerful tool I've discovered to do

Why does this therapeutic treatment use crystals?

Are you wondering how crystals fit in? Crystals are a perfect and systematic order of molecular and energetic patterning. Precisely cut, they can be used as an energy device to balance, organize, and smooth the human energy field or vibrations in a space. Crystals create energy grids around them and can even restructure your drinking water! Not only are they pretty to look at, but crystals can literally elevate your vibration, A crystal's natural structure is a six-sided prism with a terminated end. Crystals share this configuration with water and energy molecules. It is sort of this cool thing in physics. 

And not only that, crystals vibrate at the same frequency as water and the human body (456 hertz). This resonant structure and vibration allows for direct communication with your cells. And remember when I said that crystals are like frozen light? Their molecular structure is perfect? Well, with the right intention and technique, they can cause the water molecules in your body to elevate and match its perfect patterning.

What are the tangible benefits of Crystal Bed Therapy?

When blockages are cleared, you have more space to hold light in the energy around your body. We live in a universe based on the law of attraction. And when you hold more light in your field it is inspiring, it awakens, and people are drawn to light. You have access to deeper parts of yourself, are a leader, and become a miracle magnet. And this, to me, is the true definition of beauty. The benefits of Crystal Bed Therapy include:


  • Creative flow
  • Mental clarity
  • Weight loss
  • Healthier eating patterns
  • Balanced hormones
  • Sense of being alive
  • Stress relief
  • Release of anxiety/depression/mental afflictions
  • Sound sleep
  • Cellular restructuring of water molecules in the body
  • Elevated energy levels
  • Spiritual transformation
  • Increased intuition


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